Monday 3 January 2011

Final location Analysis

After assessing our various locations that we brainstormed (as posted) and researching into them we eventually came to the decision that london (more precisely westminster) was our best location for various reasons, which include;

The atmosphere of london is seemingly rushed but also passively friendly, and due to its various amount of events and attractions it would seemingly camouflauge anything unusual that we may be needing to do, which is appealing as it would not attract unwanted attention and not cause the surrounding people/objects etc to change accordingly.

Commuters help the atmosphere of london in its rushed pace by demonstrating it perfectly, they are rushed to get to where they need to be, they are normally smartly dressed also which is helpful due to a character shall be wearing a suit, but also london is full of casually dressed people which is good as two other characters in our film will be dressed casually, again helping camoflauge any seemingly 'odd' actions or clothing.

London is riddled with world famous landmarks such as big ben, the london eye and westminster abbey, this is helpful as our film location will be recongized by a larger audience which will be able to empathise with our characters as most will know how londons atmosphere is and therefore can familiarise themselves with the locations.

1 comment:

  1. Good- you reflect on the relative advantages of each location. Target: Use capitals appropriately! 2) credit your sources - where are the images from?
