Saturday 1 January 2011

Non-copyrighted music we could use.

Non-copyrighted music

For the music we use (if any) we have been going through various ideas and genres seeing what we could use. Even when we found music we wanted to use we could not due to copyright (bar Moby) and therefore the music we are going to use is either;

· People we know who have given consent.
· Ourselves doing covers/our own music.
· Moby’s music/ other non-copyrighted artists.

We feel that having music in our production is a necessity as music intensifies the atmosphere the audience are feeling and helps to build tension/emphasise a moment. In some cases ironic music is used (for example an acoustic piece during terrible events happening) which doesn’t give a sense of tension, although it gives a contrasting atmosphere which entices the audience and in some cases cushions the blow, an example of this is the opening scene of Dawn Of The Dead, the link is below. Although this is seemingly not fitting it does sound quite eerie. Lyrically this also fits as it is about judgement, which is mentioned in the beginning of the film.

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