Sunday 16 January 2011

editing: what we did

When it came to editing we only really had two choices in programs to use, windows movie maker and adobe premiere pro. windows movie maker is far to simplistic and we had better software to use so we thought it was best to make the most of it. We had few problems with premiere pro even though we had never used it. We used online tutorials to find out how to make a picture in picture shot and other things. When all the shots were cut we added effects with lots of fade to black transitions thinking it would work with our film and keep it eerie. Then music and the voice over was added. this was key as the camera had a lot of 'fuzzing sound' so doing this last over threw this and made the film more interesting, also set the mood better.

our editing is quite simple compared with some TV dramas and fims (as we had to cut shots down because of people waving) but still creates an atmosphere. Some things like the splitscreen looks like a trailler but still works well as and opening scene as it instantly tells the audience that those two people know somthing and keeps them griped. We also put the music to what was seen on screen like witht he double beat in the letter and lyrics of song going with actors walking thorugh london.

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